Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform

Open Innovation environment for industry and academia

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Desarrollo y Evaluación del Plan de Autoprotección: Un Enfoque Crítico y Estratégico para Espacios Educativos
Challenge is finished
"Normativa canaria exige planes autoprotección para centros educativos. Desafío evaluar la veracidad de planos y diseñar estrategias de difusión efectiva del plan en espacios públicos."
0 Teams
1 Solution
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Reto Hídrico Sostenible en Tenerife: Estrategias para Garantizar el Suministro de Agua en un Contexto de Escasez y Digitalización
Challenge is finished
Desafío hídrico en Tenerife: crisis de suministro requiere medidas inmediatas. Propuestas para gestión eficaz del agua, digitalización de redes y consideración de la viabilidad energética en desaladoras. Enfoque holístico para asegurar sostenibilidad en consumo humano, agricultura y turismo.
0 Teams
1 Solution
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Really big number – can you handle it?
Challenge is finished
Are you familiar with really big numbers? Try this programming challenge! Is there a limit how big numbers you can handle, let's find out!
0 Teams
0 Solutions
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Groundwater SafeTunnel Tenerife: Innovación Sostenible para el Monitoreo del Ambiente Subterráneo / Groundwater SafeTunnel Tenerife: Sustainable Innovation for Underground Environment Monitoring
Campaign is finished
Únete a nosotros para impulsar un prototipo pionero basado en electrónica abierta, diseñado para estudiar y mejorar la seguridad de los operarios que acceden al interior en los túneles de extracción de agua en Tenerife. ¡Haz posible la investigación sostenible y el avance tecnológico!
Amount needed: 2500
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José Francisco Gómez González
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Advancing 3D Printing Technology
Campaign is finished
Our initiative centers on enhancing 3D printing capabilities for faster, more precise, and sustainable manufacturing. We aim to develop cutting-edge materials, improve printing speed, and explore new applications, making 3D printing a mainstream solution for diverse industries.
Amount needed: 10000
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Marketing skills in Deeptech
In the fast-paced tech world, DeepTech demands not just technical expertise, but also the ability to market your innovations. Marketing skills helps you bridge the gap between your tech skills and the market's needs. This plays an important role when pitching to investors and also selling in market.
Remaining: 250 days
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Robot Offline Programming and Motion Control
Digital Twin of robotic systems can be built leveraging also on Offline Programming Tools
Remaining: 256 days
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Robot Tactile Sensing
Human-robot collaborative tasks require adding force-controlled application, hence tactile sensing and force sensing, along with the required programming tools
Remaining: 256 days
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Revolutionize Your Workday with EnerGlide: The World's First Solar-Powered Laptop Stand
Introducing EnerGlide, a groundbreaking solar-powered laptop stand that blends innovation with sustainability. Elevate your workspace and charge your devices effortlessly with clean, renewable energy. Join us in creating a brighter, greener future for your work environment!
Amount needed: 275000
Remaining: 66 days
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Check out the functionality of the platform

Are you a researcher, a student, maybe you work in a company or are an inventor?

See a short movie about our Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform.

If you:

  • need support in solving problems,
  • want to develop your product using the innovation of the crowd,
  • want to increase the use of your research or industrial infrastructure,
  • are looking for new partners,
  • need access to new technologies,
  • are looking for funds for your project or research,

join one of our projects: IDEATION, SMERF or DEETECHTIVE!


Join the training to obtain new skills in entrepreneurship & open innovation

The main aim of the International Open Innovation Training: Idea-up DEEP TECH program is to support entrepreneurial education and innovation among students and (non-)academic staff. The main focus of the Idea-up DEEP TECH training is:

·        Entrepreneurship,

·        Open Innovation,

·        Social Product Development,

·        Deep Technology,

The training is organized for free & fully online:

Join the training and obtain an international certificate.

About IDEATION project

Innovation and entrepreneurship actions and trainings for higher education

IDEATION intends to transform participating  Higher Education Institutions into universities of significantly increased entrepreneurial and innovation capacity and to enhance their impact on surrounding ecosystems. 

IDEATION’s unique approach is based on Open Innovation, Sharing Economy and Social Product Development, as we are facing a major shift in the way how people work, innovate and study. It is caused not only by the Industry 4.0 era and social media – based reality but also a huge impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the way how education and daily work has changed. IDEATION sees a path in HEIs transformation through 6 dedicated actions boosting innovativeness and entrepreneurial skills: 

  • Action 1: Digital access to infrastructure
  • Action 2: Knowledge Triangle Networks
  • Action 3: Crowd Innovation
  • Action 4: Testing crowdfunding opportunities
  • Action 5: Pre Incubation Program
  • Action 6: International Open Innovation Training 

Consortium partners:

  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, POLAND (Leader)
  • Holon Institute of Technology, ISRAEL
  • University of La Laguna, SPAIN
  • Institute for Industrial Management, GERMANY

More about the project