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Groundwater SafeTunnel Tenerife: Innovación Sostenible para el Monitoreo del Ambiente Subterráneo / Groundwater SafeTunnel Tenerife: Sustainable Innovation for Underground Environment Monitoring
Campaign is finished
Únete a nosotros para impulsar un prototipo pionero basado en electrónica abierta, diseñado para estudiar y mejorar la seguridad de los operarios que acceden al interior en los túneles de extracción de agua en Tenerife. ¡Haz posible la investigación sostenible y el avance tecnológico!
Amount needed: 2500
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Advancing 3D Printing Technology
Campaign is finished
Our initiative centers on enhancing 3D printing capabilities for faster, more precise, and sustainable manufacturing. We aim to develop cutting-edge materials, improve printing speed, and explore new applications, making 3D printing a mainstream solution for diverse industries.
Amount needed: 10000
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Revolutionize Your Workday with EnerGlide: The World's First Solar-Powered Laptop Stand
Campaign is finished
Introducing EnerGlide, a groundbreaking solar-powered laptop stand that blends innovation with sustainability. Elevate your workspace and charge your devices effortlessly with clean, renewable energy. Join us in creating a brighter, greener future for your work environment!
Amount needed: 275000
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Cities of Tomorrow: Building a Sustainable and Smart Urban Future
Campaign is finished
We're creating a sustainable, smart city using IoT, AI, and renewable energy. Support our crowdfunding campaign to build future cities that prioritize environmental sustainability and resident well-being, making urban areas smarter, greener, and more connected.
Amount needed: 5000
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Cities of Tomorrow
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Campaign is finished
Bvck.Off somos una marca de ropa que fusiona la pasión por el skateboarding con la moda urbana de vanguardia. Queremos darle más importancia a la moda en canarias en todo el sector nacional.
Amount needed: 3000
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Gabinete de Orientación y atención psicopedagógica Ikigai
Campaign is finished
El Gabinete Ikigai se basa en la teoría de las inteligencias múltiples de Gardner. Destinado a profesionales de la educación y familias implicadas en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje. Los servicios consistirán en la realización de diagnósticos y atención individualizada.
Amount needed: 2999
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Campaign is finished
¡Bienvenidos a nuestra campaña de crowdfunding! Somos un equipo apasionado de expertos en neurociencia y tecnología con un objetivo claro: revolucionar la rehabilitación a través de la comunicación cerebro-ordenador.
Amount needed: 50000
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Virtual Turism cavin
The main mission is to be able to take people anywhere in the world allowing them to experience and enjoy amazing places in an immersive and realistic way through virtual reality technology. Virton will offer as a main service the use of the cabin for personal leisure in which they will enjoy.
Amount needed: 20000
Remaining: 135 days
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VerdeIntel Smart flowerpot equipped with AI-driven sensors
Verdeintel, powered by AI-driven sensors, it constantly monitors plant's health, growth, and needs. From providing real-time feedback on the plant's health to offering watering reminders and sunlight exposure recommendations.
Amount needed: 5000
Remaining: 127 days
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