Using bread waste to brew beer

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Campaign is finished


About 21 kg of bread per person are thrown away every year in Germany. Definitely avoidable, but what can be done about it?

We asked ourselves this question and started looking for ways to save leftover bread from going into the bin. That's how we ended up trying to brew beer from leftover bread on the floor of a shared kitchen. None of us really knew anything about brewing beer, but that couldn't stop us from our plan.

After several attempts at brewing with different results, we finally landed on the recipe we use today to brew Keäksack.

We want to raise awareness for community thinking and action by producing sustainable beer. Together with our partners, we are building a network that brings social impact products to market at fair prices.

The goal of the campaign is to finance the down payment of the next beer production.

Benefits for supporters

6 bottles of Keäksack

The end of the campaign


Amount needed: 1000

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