Innovative information system for seminars

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IDEATION project at HIT



0 Teams

10 Solutions
Challenge is finished

Establishing an organized information system through which we will be able to achieve the goal of the project to promote the Institute to have the entrepreneurial ability and leading innovation and thereby develop the student’s abilities so that they develop and possess the skills of innovation and entrepreneurship.

The system will include publishing the content of the seminars with the help of slides Articles, enrichment materials for in-depth study of the subject, recordings and any accompanying material that will help sharpen the topic of the seminar.
In addition, through the system will be able to manage registration of actual participants performing a follow up after the seminar survey of the effectiveness of the training and what they learned during it by providing a questionnaire on the subject of the seminar.

We are going to get suggestions for improvement from the students in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management at HIT- what is needed in our system and we have to decide what is appropriate and practicable

There is no financial price. Volunteers that answer the challenge will receive a recognition email