Challenge your brain with algorithmic tasks!

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Improve your algorithmic writing skills by implementing three algorithms for this challenge. You can use any programming language, for example C#, Python, C++, Java etc.

1) Download "innovative_challenge_all.pdf" file to your computer.

2) Open programming environment based on your preferences

3) Code all three algorithms

4) Open blank Word, write your contact details to first page (name, email, university etc..)

5) Copy your codes from programming editor and paste those to Word in correct order (easy, medium, hard)

6) Write also explanations for all algorithms, how did you start to investigate problem, what techniques you compared and how did you come up to final solution. So, code itself is not enough to be an answer.

7) Save word document to PDF

8) Upload your answer here as a return to this challenge


  • Evaluation criteria: Pass / fail
  • No AI usage allowed