Wind Turbines for Madagascar

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In times of increasing electricity demand and full electrification in industrialised countries, the majority of the population in developing countries has no access to electricity. Madagascar is one of the countries with the lowest level of electrification in the world. Another problem area is the predominant use of fossil fuels and the associated environmental pollution and deforestation. 70% of electricity is generated from non-sustainable fuels such as oil and natural gas. In Madagascar, two thirds of the population live in rural areas. Almost 96% of the inhabitants there have no regular access to electricity. Their needs are met almost exclusively by diesel generators.

The aim is to utilise the high wind potential to electrify public facilities with the help of self-built wind turbines. For this purpose, concepts are to be designed that are easy to construct, have low investment costs and are robust and require little maintenance.


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Low investment costs
Utilisation of material available in remote regions
Sufficient efficiency
Low maintenance requirements

Guest gift from Madagascar