Artificial intelligence and machine learning

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Tomi Pitkäaho, "AI's vision of AI", 2023

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technological innovations, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a cornerstone, catalyzing transformative advancements across diverse industry domains. The need to AI it not merely technological but also economic and strategic. In an era of data abundance, AI's capability to analyze and act upon data at scale is indispensable. It enables industries to transcend traditional boundaries, innovate at an accelerated pace and tailor solutions to evolving challenges.

For future experts, it is insufficient to employ these advanced AI approaches as mere 'black boxes' - opaques systems whose working principles are not understood by their users. Simply using these technologies as plug-and-play solutions won't cut it. To truly harness their power, you need to know what's under the hood and how to tinker with it.  There's more to it than just building systems that work. As future experts, you'll need to ensure that the AI systems you develop are not just smart but also ethically sound. It's about building AI that respects privacy, treats data fairly, and is accountable for the results it produces.

In short, you need to be more than just users of AI technology—you need to be its architects. This deep understanding will give you the ability to push the boundaries of what AI can do, ensuring its application is as responsible as it is revolutionary.

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