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Campaign is finished
¡Bienvenidos a nuestra campaña de crowdfunding! Somos un equipo apasionado de expertos en neurociencia y tecnología con un objetivo claro: revolucionar la rehabilitación a través de la comunicación cerebro-ordenador.
Amount needed: 50000
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Virtual Turism cavin
The main mission is to be able to take people anywhere in the world allowing them to experience and enjoy amazing places in an immersive and realistic way through virtual reality technology. Virton will offer as a main service the use of the cabin for personal leisure in which they will enjoy.
Amount needed: 20000
Remaining: 2 days
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Campaign is finished
Celem naszego projektu jest stworzenie szczotki do włosów, która posiada wbudowany zbiornik na kosmetyki do pielęgnacji włosów, mająca ułatwić równomierne rozprowadzanie płynów. Pozwoli to na utrzymanie lepszej kondycji włosa.
Amount needed: 70000
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Anna Hołubowska
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Using bread waste to brew beer
Campaign is finished
Unsold bread is disposed of in bakeries. Instead of throwing the food in the rubbish, the bread is used to brew beer.
Amount needed: 1000
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Materials for a barrel for pyrolysing crop waste to produce briquettes
Campaign is finished
The use of firewood in Africa is widespread. This clears forests while at the same time increasing the price of firewood. Pyrolysing crop waste in barrels can produce biochar, which is cheaper and prevents further deforestation.
Amount needed: 250
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3D printer for decentralised printing of prostheses in countries of the global south
Campaign is finished
Enevra develops 3D-printed and customised prostheses for countries in the Global South. Modern 3D printing technology makes it possible to produce them for a fraction of the normal cost and time. A suitable 3D printer is required to produce the prostheses.
Amount needed: 1000
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Piloo - I will match you
Campaign is finished
Piloo is my new creation and response to the typical standard pillows where you can find on every furniture store. Piloo is a brand which fabricate and sell pillows with special shape and high quality memory foam. You can personalize your pillowcase by choosing a color and the fabric of the material
Amount needed: 10000
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Campaign is finished
MotionExperience products provide customers with unprecedented visual experiences that bring interiors to life in a timeless way through optical phenomena that create infinite space and lighting.
Amount needed: 5000
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Wojciech Bednarkiewicz
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UHF RFID-based sign language translation
Campaign is finished
The goal of this project is to make a system capable of translating Sign Language gestures to Spoken Language using RFID technology.
Amount needed: 50000
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Dawid Krok