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Desarrollo y Evaluación del Plan de Autoprotección: Un Enfoque Crítico y Estratégico para Espacios Educativos
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"Normativa canaria exige planes autoprotección para centros educativos. Desafío evaluar la veracidad de planos y diseñar estrategias de difusión efectiva del plan en espacios públicos."
0 Teams
1 Solution
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Reto Hídrico Sostenible en Tenerife: Estrategias para Garantizar el Suministro de Agua en un Contexto de Escasez y Digitalización
Challenge is finished
Desafío hídrico en Tenerife: crisis de suministro requiere medidas inmediatas. Propuestas para gestión eficaz del agua, digitalización de redes y consideración de la viabilidad energética en desaladoras. Enfoque holístico para asegurar sostenibilidad en consumo humano, agricultura y turismo.
0 Teams
1 Solution
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Really big number – can you handle it?
Challenge is finished
Are you familiar with really big numbers? Try this programming challenge! Is there a limit how big numbers you can handle, let's find out!
0 Teams
0 Solutions
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Revolutionizing Agricultural Sustainability using Deeptech.
In the pursuit of sustainable agriculture, propose innovative solutions that harness deep technology to address specific challenges in the agricultural sector. Think about how this product/service will work in the current market and how it can work 2-3 years down the line.
0 Teams
2 Solutions
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Information system for state events - HIT
During state events, there is a lot of congestion at the commemoration places, a congestion caused by the arrival of the bereaved families and soldiers representing the various units sent to visit the commemoration sites. Due to this load, some of the space families avoid coming.
0 Teams
0 Solutions
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ECMO Simulateor Transforming healthcare with VR - HIT
Transforming healthcare training through cutting-edge technology, Our project pioneers the development of VR simulators tailored specifically for medical instruction.
0 Teams
0 Solutions
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TedEar - Product linked to a specialized application designed to assist individuals experiencing tinnitus - HIT
A dedicated device that will be worn behind the ear that functions through a mobile application, delivering specific treatments for tinnitus.
0 Teams
0 Solutions
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Designing a Dashboard for benefiting from optimal learning and training while using HIT IoT Remote Laboratory- DEETECHTIVE HIT
HIT’s remote lab is a project enabling students to experience learning the integrated use of various types of IoT devices and micro-controllers in distance mode. In this challenge you will be requested to design a Dashboard that is functional as well as educationally beneficial.
0 Teams
0 Solutions
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Designing a Dashboard for fostering better perceptions of concepts related to Energy Saving - DEETECHTIVE HIT
Voltarez is an intelligent application that can change your electricity consumption at home. In this challenge you are requested to design a Dashboard that is educationally efficient and appealing.
0 Teams
0 Solutions